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Document Name Size (MB)
Implantable Components
Generators and Leads
MRI with VNS Therapy (DAN) 1.09
VNS Therapy System Epilepsy Physician’s Manual (DAN) 3.98
VNS Therapy System_Depression Physician’s Manual (DAN) 2.86
VNS Therapy System_Pre-Surgical Evaluation Tool - 2-Position (WW) 0.26
Disposable Components
Accessory Packs
Directions for Use LivaNova Accessory Pack Model 502 (DAN) 0.17
Tunneling Tools
Directions for Use LivaNova Tunneler Model 402 (DAN) 0.21
Programming Systems
Model 2000 and Model 3000 Programming System
Physican's Manual VNS Therapy Programming System (Model 2000 and Model 3000 v1.6) (DAN) 9.19
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information - Dell Venue 8 Pro 5855 --
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information – HP X2 210 G2 PC --
Programming Systems and Programming Wand (Legacy)
Physician's Manual NeuroCybernetic Prosthesis (NCP) Programming Wand Model 201 (Danish) 0.63
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information _ Motion Tablet (CL900) 0.55
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information _ Motion Tablet (CL910) 2.22
v11.0 - Physician's Manual VNS Therapy Programming Software Model 250 (Danish) 12.3
All Products
Implant Warranty and Registration Form, Multi-lingual (WW) 0.83
Physician's Manual - Glossary (DAN) 0.13
Physician's Manual - Symbols and Definitions (DAN) 0.33
Radio Approvals Legacy Products 0.12
Radio Approvals SenTiva & NGP 0.52
Return Product Form (DAN) 0.16
Patient Information
Depression Patient Guide (DAN) 0.56
Epilepsy Patient Guide (DAN) 0.58
VNS Therapy Implant Card – 36 Languages 1.02
VNS Therapy Patient Magnet DFU – 36 Languages 4.57


E-Labeling Software Version 4.1

Safety Alerts

Safety Alert, Model 106 Device Disablement
For archived safety alerts, click here